Something for all of us

As promised, here is the Reading List from Maria Moriarty.
"Education either functions as an instrument to...bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world." ~Paulo Freire

Some of these are linked and some are available at the library or for purchase. 

Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Paulo Freire (1970; 2007)
(Pedagogy of the Oppressed – what it is and why it’s still relevant

Local Literacies: Reading and Writing in One Community
Barton, D. & Hamilton, M. 2012 2nd Linguistics Classics ed. London: Routledge

Powerful Literacies
Jim Crowther, Mary Hamilton, Lyn Tett NIACE, 2000
More Powerful Literacies
Tett, L. (ed.), Hamilton, M. (ed.) & Crowther, J. (ed.) 2012 Leicester: NIACE

Challenging Representations: Constructing the Adult Literacy Learner Over 30 Years of Policy and Practice in the United Kingdom
Mary Hamilton and Kathy Pitt
(Reading Research Quarterly Volume 46, Issue 4, pages 350–373, October/November/ December 2011) ___________________________________________________________

Situated Literacies: Theorising Reading and Writing in Context (2005)
by David Barton (Editor), Mary Hamilton (Editor), Roz Ivanic (Editor)

The Social Uses of Literacy: Theory and Practice in Contemporary South Africa (1996)
Edited by Mastin Prinsloo and Mignonne Breier

The New Literacy Studies: a point of contact between literacy research and literacy work
Guy Ewing


Tensions Between Policy, Practice and Theory: International Perspectives on Adult Literacy
CASAE 2010 Conference Proceedings

Publications by Mary Hamilton

Publications by David Barton

Publications by Tannis Atkinson

The Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning (Portland State University)
Stephen Reder

Adult learning and Literacy in Canada (2001)
Linda Shohet

here is an older reading list from Maria -

and here is a little list I (Tracey) started up a while ago - 


Brigid Hayes said...

Two seminal works in the area of workplace literacy that I would recommend are:

The Politics of Workplace Literacy: A Case Study (1992) Sheryl Greenwood Gowan

Reading Work: Literacies in the New Workplace (2004) Mary Ellen Belfiore, Tracy A. Defoe, Sue Folinsbee, Judy Hunter, Nancy S. Jackson

Tannis Atkinson said...

I would add a few practitioner-research publications that may be unfamiliar to some folks:
* Focused on practice: A framework for adult literacy research in Canada (2006), edited by Jenny Horsman and Helen Woodrow
[pdf at]
* Hardwired for Hope: Effective ABE/Literacy Instructors (by Battell, Twiss, Gesser, Rose and Sawyer, 2004) []

Plus a few reports about alternative ways of assessing progress in basic literacy:
* Naming the Magic, by Evelyn Battell (2001) []
* I've Opened Up: Exploring Learners' Perspectives on Progress by Kaskens, Lefebvre,Belding,Brehaut, Dermer, Lord, McKay and Sookermany []

And here is a link to the Learning Circles Project, which was a national study of how to make all kinds of gatherings inclusive places to learn... []
The researchers looked at indigenous learning circles, urban learning circles and rural learning circles. Its findings are relevant as we think through how to strengthen networks beyond adult literacy and basic education by showing how literacy work is relevant to potential allies in the quest for social inclusion.